The most satisfying yoga pose helps to cleanse about 72,000 of the body�s energy paths or Nadis.
A rather difficult pose to master.Should be practiced by advanced practitioners who have gained control over balancing their bodies.
A pose with multiple benefits. Can be done by all including beginners. Regular practice results in calming effects.
A similar to the Bound Angle Pose.Helps in relaxing the muscles of legs.
This asana stretches the arms and shoulders.It releases tension from the shoulders and opens the chest to facilitate deep breathing.
This pose strengthens and stretches the ankles and calves, thighs, hips, shoulders, and upper back.Improves balance.
One of the popular pose for meditation.Calms mind. Be careful with this pose if you have problems with knees or hips.
It is a squatting pose designed to improve the digestive system.This pose even helps tone the belly.
This is a most difficult and challenging pose.This pose is beneficial for the back as it strengthens the muscles of the back.
This pose stretches the shoulders, hips, and neck, Stimulates the digestive fire thereby increasing appetite.
It is a relaxing pose that ofers an invigorating stretch to your back.This is a part of Bikram yoga 26 Posture series.
This pose is very effective in bringing about relaxation by making the mind calm.Good For advanced practitioners as well as beginners.