This pose strengthens your trunk and lower body. It also stretches your shoulders and opens the chest. Careful if you have hip or knee prob
This pose is easy to perform, it can be performed by those who are just starting out with yoga.
This pose stretches and strengthens the shoulders, hamstrings, calves, arms and legs.It also improves digestion, relieves headaches.
This is a most difficult and challenging pose.This pose is beneficial for the back as it strengthens the muscles of the back.
A seated stretch that helps exercise hamstrings and calves.Your knees as well as your hamstrings need to be flexible to perform this pose.
This pose forms the basis of standing poses. It improves posture, stability and balance.
Easier yoga pose helps in curing menstrual problems and sciatica,high blood pressure, infertility and flat feet
It is an excellent pose for any yoga routine intended for the improvement of flexibility and balance.
This pose stretches and strengthens your legs, ankles, shoulders and arms. It also expands your chest, helping you to breathe more deeply.