What Is Stress Management

Stress Management Books

Stress management books are just one way of dealing with the stress we experience each day. There are several books available either online or in book stores which provide guidelines on how to cope with stress.

The books give detailed accounts on stress, the causes and tips to handle it as well.


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Stress Management Activities

Stress management is an essential part of our lives these days. It is necessary to find ways and means of dealing with stress. Some stress management activities that could help are:-

  • Regular exercise ( this includes breathing exercises)
  • Eating and sleeping well
  • Music therapy
  • Yoga
  • Meditation
  • Going for a walk with a friend
  • Progressive muscle relaxation( tense and relax all the muscles in your body)
  • Sex - it not only relieves tension but de stresses you too.
  • Pamper yourself - take a break from your daily activities. Do something different and out of the ordinary.
  • Do something you really enjoy. Make the time to read a book, watch a play, paint or even spend an evening with your family. Distracting yourself always helps to relieve stress.

Stress can often cause your life to spin out of control. The best way to manage stress is to first identify the reason behind it. The next step is to keep it in perspective. Use the following stress management tips to handle stress:

  • Know yourself and your limits - It is ok to say no at times, far better than saying yes and getting stressed later.

  • Reach out for help - Do not keep it all bottled up inside. Talk to a close friend.
  • Take charge of yourself - your emotions, thoughts, and schedule.
  • Keep a stress journal - it will be an outlet for stress as well as a record of what stresses you out.

What Is Time Management?

Time management is the art of arranging one's schedule so as to work effectively and productively. This is necessary for everyone - whether you are a housewife, student, manager or clerk. Planning ahead is essential for good time management as is organizing one's day in order to get the maximum out of it.

Stress Management Games

Stress management games are a good way to relax and get rid of stress. Some examples of these are Rubik's cube, Scrabble, Crossword puzzle books, Darts and Punch balls.

Stress Management Definition

Stress can be defined as emotional or physical tension. Both are interconnected as emotional stress can be felt physically (like stomach cramps) and physical stress can result in emotional stress.

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