Kapal in Sanskrit means Forehead, and Bhati in Sanskrit means Shining. Kapalabhati is not a pranayama and yet a vital part of the practice.
As the name suggests, it is a cleansing technique in preparation for pranayama.
Do not exercise your throat or chest while doing this. Just your abdomen. To feel your belly pump actively, in the beginning it is better to place a hand on your abdomen. Kapalbhati is a highly energizing abdominal breathing exercise.
Practicing Kapalbhati on a regular basis results in a shining face glowing with inner radiance. Kapalabhati clears the stale and residual air from the entire respiratory system. It purifies the blood and super-saturates the cells with both breath and prana. It also strengthens abdominal muscles, stimulates cellular metabolism and improves the bowel movement. Kapalabhati also strengthens the heart and nervous system. It helps to raise energy to the brain and prepares your mind for meditation.
Kapalabhati should, ideally, be done daily and regularly, particularly after Neti and prior to Pranayama.
ContraindicationsKapalabhati should be avoided in: