Yoga Poses For Relieving The Common Cold

By Patricia | January 29, 2009
Yoga Asanas For The Common Cold

Yoga Asanas For Cold

Your question isn’t clear to me. Are you talking about the common cold associated with sneezing or do you want to know about yoga asanas or poses for the cold weather?

There are several reasons that cause a common cold such as allergies, cold climate, sinus infection, and exposure to certain strong chemicals causing an inflammation of the nasal passage, etc. the symptoms generally include sneezing, runny nose where your nose secretes thin water like mucous, sore throat that causes an itching and inflammation of the throat tissues, cough as your body tries to remove the mucous from your throat, congestion due to the excessive mucous, mild fever and headache. Yoga helps in treating the common cold as it works on your body from inside in a very powerful way. The pranayama or the breathing exercises help to clear your nasal passages and increase the oxygen supply to various parts of your body. This also helps to clear blocked passages and ease your breathing. It also boosts the blood circulation in your body as your breathing pattern is corrected.

The following yoga asanas or poses can be practiced for relieving the common cold and the symptoms associated with it:

  • Sarvanga Asana or the Shoulder Stand Posture– this is an inverted asana or a pose that helps to increase the blood flow in the opposite direction towards your head and upper body. The sudden rush of blood builds heat in your body and clears the blocked passages. It also increases the blood and oxygen supply to the upper body that helps to relieve the symptoms.
  • Dhanurasana or the Bow Pose – In this pose you lay down on your belly and relax for a few moments. Then very slowly lift your legs up bending them backwards. Then hold your ankles with your hands and stretch your upper body. Stay in this position for a few moments and then slowly return to the original position and relax.
  • Shava Asana or the Corpse Pose – as the name states this asana or pose requires you to lie down and be still like a corpse. You simply lie down on your back keeping your spine and body straight and relax for a few moments. Then starting from your toes and moving up till you reach your head concentrate on relaxing every part of the body as you breathe deeply. Stay in this relaxed position for around 10 to 15 minutes.
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