Yoga For Tonsil

By Patricia | November 28, 2008
Yoga For Tonsillitis Problems

Tonsillitis is a severe inflammation of a person’s tonsils at the base of the tongue, in the pharynx. Tonsils are nothing but a collection of big lymph nodules set in a mucous membrane. These tonsils lie in a ring at the fork between the pharynx and oral cavity. Unfortunately, from time to time, tonsils are subject to attacks from germs, viruses and bacilli like the rest of the human body, ingested through the food we eat and air we breathe.

During a tonsillectomy tonsils are surgically removed and this normally gives relief to the patient, but not for long, since the throat, pharynx and oral cavity still respond to attacks from external infectious agents. For this reason people may continue to experience fevers, sore throats, pains and trouble swallowing, sometimes even headaches and general debility, the same old symptoms of tonsillitis even after they’ve been removed.

This is because apart from the tonsils the entire region is subject to constant external attack from the air, and from the water and fluids we drink and foods we eat. For this reason what is most important is that you boost or strengthen your immunity.

People suffering from tonsillitis must, necessarily do these 3 things:

  • Regular practice of the prescribed Yoga exercises and asanas (poses)
  • A set of Pranayama (breathing exercises)
  • Kriyas (cleansing techniques)
  • Sattvic (pure and simple) Yogic diet
  • Better hygiene

Yoga Exercises

Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation)

Yogasanas (Poses)

Do all the asanas in the prescribed sequence of sitting, standing, supine, prone, inverted and balancing positions with more emphasis on the following:

  • Trikonasana (Triangle pose)
  • Viparita Karani (Inverted legs up the wall pose)
  • Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand)
  • Matsyasana (Fish pose
  • Simhasana (Lion pose)

Kriyas (Cleansing Techniques)

  • Kunjal Kriya or Vaman Dhauti

This consists of vomiting 1 liter of water on an empty stomach first thing in the morning. This should only be done once a month.

  • Warm saline-water gargle three to four times a day.

Pranayama (Breathing Exercises)

  • Kapalabhatti (Skull cleansing)
  • Anuloma-Viloma (Alternate nostril breathing)
  • Ujjayai (Ocean breath)

Yoga Diet

  • Your food must necessarily be predominantly vegetarian.
  • Avoid cucumbers and cold yogurt as well as confectionery sweets, fried foods (even vegetarian), ice creams and all aerated drinks (in fact, anything with fizz in it)
  • You should also avoid all very cold as well as very hot foods.
  • Have lukewarm fruit juices once or twice a day


We all know about this, but in case of tonsillitis sufferers, they have to be more careful about oral hygiene. That includes always brushing your teeth and gargling your mouth and throat after every meal with warm, saline water. Never eat without washing your hands, resist the urge to clean your teeth or mouth of stuck food particles with your fingers, as far as possible avoid all outside, foods, meaning to say food not cooked at home, junk foods. Change your toothbrush at least twice a month and remember to floss your teeth at least once a day (preferably after every meal). Above all, tonsillitis sufferers should avoid oral contact with any other person, no matter how near and dear. This includes kissing, mouth to mouth resuscitation and anything that could bring you in contact with infection.

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