Natural Cures For Injured Tongue

By Patricia | August 31, 2009

Almost all of us have bitten our tongue or lips at some point or the other. While it is not a major injury, it can be extremely uncomfortable. In most cases, a bitten tongue does not require medical attention, unless it has been severely injured. Cases wherein medical attention must be given include accidents or deep cuts that result in severe bleeding. Your tongue can also get bruised due to burns. The causes for burning include tongue injury, medication, bad oral habits, endocrine disorders, acid reflux, hot drinks or foods, and vitamin B12 deficiency.

What remedies will help? There are many remedies to soothe a bitten or bruised tongue. Drinking iced water or placing an ice cube in your mouth or on the bite helps to reduce the burning sensation, lessen swelling, and alleviate pain. Lemon balm extract can also be applied with a little aloe juice or olive oil on the affected area. This is particularly helpful in healing a bruised or bitten tongue.

Other remedies include applying glycerin or petroleum jelly on the tongue before you go to bed or as often as you can. This will is especially helpful in relieving burning. Butter is also known to help with bruises. Take a little butter and allow it to slowly dissolve in your mouth. Ensure that the bruised area is covered in the butter for at least a few minutes before you swallow the butter. Unflavored yogurt or butter milk can help in reducing swelling and pain and so you should include these foods in your daily diet. The herb Egyptian thorn is also beneficial in curing a bruised or bitten tongue.

Increasing your intake of vitamin B rich foods will also help in speeding up the healing process. Another useful vitamin is vitamin C; this is beneficial in facilitating healing and the generation of connective tissue. Sipping on warm salt water is also good for easing the pain and reducing chances of infection. Using a mouthwash can also help in healing as it has antiseptic properties. Remember to maintain good oral hygiene to prevent the bite from getting infected.

Smoking should be avoided as it hampers the healing process and can aggravate symptoms. Also avoid spicy and hot foods as they will increase the burning sensation and slow down recovery. Avoid all alcoholic beverages as this can increase the risk of infection as well as irritate the bruised tissue.

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