Tips to Make a Safe Enema Solution at Home

By Patricia | February 12, 2010

An enema is a surefire cure for acute constipation, a way to get even the most clogged up bowels to empty. It involves the insertion of a tube through the anus through which a solution is pumped into the rectum and the colon. This softens the hardened stools and causes the colon to expand thereby facilitating the passage of stools. Enemas should ideally be attempted after all other attempts, including dietary changes and laxatives have failed.

There are numerous readymade enema kits available at your local pharmacist. For those of you who prefer the DIY route, a homemade enema can be made using common ingredients usually found in the house. Administered correctly, these homemade enemas are usually a safe alternative to the more expensive pre-packaged variety.

There are many different recipes for enema solutions. First however, you will need to have an enema kit available. Readymade kits are available, both the disposable as well as the reusable kind. If you choose to make do with a homemade one, you will need a 2½ ft. length of rubber tubing with a nozzle attached at one end. The other end of the tube should fit into the end of a container such as a bottle that can contain at least 1½ liters of solution. The container should be open at one end so that the solution can drain out easily. The nozzle is inserted into the anus, allowing the solution to drain into the rectum and the colon.

Types of Homemade Enema Solutions

There are many different types of enema solutions that are quite effective at relieving constipation. The easiest to make is a soap water enema made by dissolving soap in water. The soapy water is warmed, then filled in the enema bottle and administered.

Castile Soap Enema: A castile soap is a soap which is made from coconut oil or olive oil and is hence gentler than regular soap. Castile soap can cause some irritation and cramping. Hence, it is best to follow up a castile soap enema with a regular water enema or a salt water enema. Castile soap is available in bar form or liquid form. When using a bar use approx. 1/12th of it and dissolve it in 1.5 liters of regular water. In case of the liquid variant, dissolve a 9 ml packet in 1.5 liters of regular water. Ensure that the water is kept warm. Your enema should ideally be at about 39o C, which is at about 102 Fahrenheit. Never over heat your enema. About 1 degree give or take is acceptable.

Olive Oil Enema: Another recipe for an enema solution is to mix two tablespoons of olive oil with 1½ liters of warm water. You can also mix the same quantity of olive oil with 1 liter of milk and ½ a liter of water. The ideal temperature for the enema solution is about 104°F. The olive oil is rather more effective at softening the stools than plain or soapy water and will also serve to lubricate the rectum making passage of the stools much easier.

Coffee enemas strange as they may sound, are also quite effective at relieving constipation. Coffee enemas can be made using instant coffee. It is reputed to be excellent for also removing toxins from the liver and gallbladder as well as forcing the body to produce glutathione-S-transferese, an antioxidant that can help skin glow.

Salt Water enema: A salt water enema contains salt and water. The addition of salt reduces the exchange of water to and from the colon. This, in turn, does not allow the kidney and the bladder to be filled with water. Once this is prevented, you will not feel the urge to urinate regularly while receiving the enema.

Alcohol enema: Alcohol enemas can use beer, wine or even hard liquor. Alcohol is absorbed very quickly in the intestines as compared to the stomach. Hence you can get drunk very easily and very fast. Using alcohol in an enema can also cause alcohol poisoning which results in death. It is best to avoid an alcohol enema.

There are numerous other homemade enema recipes such as the milk and honey enema, barium enema, lemon juice enema and so on so forth.


Before giving yourself an enema there are a few precautions you should take. These include:

  • The place where you administer the enema should be close to the toilet as the treatment is really quick.
  • Place some towels on the bed or on the area where you will lie down to soak up any spillage.
  • The bottle needs to be placed about two feet above your buttocks. A shelf or a stand will usually do the trick.
  • Make sure that the nozzle has been cleaned and disinfected before being used.
  • Apply some cold cream on the nozzle. It will lubricate it and make insertion into your rectum easier and less painful.
  • Try to hold on for as long as you can after administering the enema. The longer you hold the solution in, the more effective will be the enema.
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