Yoga for Body Rash

By Patricia | April 3, 2007
Yoga For Body Rash

In the years I have been managing Body Odor Repellent websites, a few products have bamboozled me. I am not an expert on BO products, although I have been at the receiving end of many. However, they had me curious, the ingredients sounded simply outta this world! Wonderful botanicals, all proven for their healing properties. I have never been so googled by ingredients and supplementary the product descriptions. And still, I would be hard pressed to know which to order: Oil? Lotion? Cream? Or Gel? I used to buy facial lotions, my milk allergy often leaves me with eczema rash on my face I loved their soothing and healing effects.

I watched their tracking closely on the website and was discovered that many of our customers were like me. We get a lot of people visiting and looking at the various products. Regardless of the time spent in this category they still don't buy. I am only left to presume that like me, they don't know which one to buy.

That was before I learnt what body rash really is all about. It's noting but a common problem that can affect virtually anyone, a kinda inflammation or series of eruptions that show on the surface of skin. Talking about the body rash symptoms, red colored blisters on the skin can be terribly itchy. Then again, they could also be non-itchy. There could also be a burning sensation on the affected area.

The common causes of skin rashes, I learnt again from websites include allergies of different types, mainly due to dyes and reaction to chemicals in clothing, measles and dermatitis, so on and so forth. Heat is also a major factor that leads to skin rashes and this explains the reason why most people suffer from body or skin rashes during summers.

Then I came across this website suggesting how Yoga can help get rid of anything and everything if practiced religiously and assiduously and decided to give it a try. And boy, did it work for me. What can I say? I even have a steady boyfriend these days.

I just did my first month of Yoga. I went every day and I loved every minute of it. And this is what I learnt.

Sweat it out the right way: this was done through a regimen of Sun Salutation and a series of asanas in the sitting, standing, reclining, prostate and inverted positions.

Breathe out your problems: They call it Pranayama, control and chanelizing vital force through breathing techniques. The ones I learnt, practiced and worked for me were Kapalabhatti, Anuloma-Viloma, Bhastrima, Sitali, Sitkari and Brahmari.

Flush out your system of toxins: This was taught by what they call cleansing kriyas or techniques. The ones that worked best for my rashes were Vaman Dhauti and Shanka Prakshalana.

Diet: Stick to the veggies, man and avoid toxic foods. They call it Sattvic (pure) food in Yogic lingo. Tough at first, but later, as I got kinda used to the stuff, it worked. I mean all put together.

Some other tips that work too:

  • Eat foods rich in Vitamin C.
  • Avoid foods that may cause allergic reactions.
  • Never rub or scratch your skin.
  • Avoid touching the rash as much as you can.
  • Use warm water for cleansing and not hot water.
  • Do not use soap, use gentle body cleansers.
  • Do not use cosmetic lotions on the rash.
  • If the rash is due to any new cosmetic cream or perfume, stop using it immediately. Expose the affected area to air as much as possible, but do not expose to direct sunlight or hot water.
  • If the rashes are very severe and all these home remedies aren't working, see a doctor immediately.
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