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Yoga Poses for Broken Foot Recovery
Patricia | May 14, 2009
Yoga is an ancient Indian science. People all over the world are now turning towards Yoga for a healthy body and mind. Despite the efficacies of medical science, it cannot treat all chronic disorders and ailments. Yoga helps in a big way as conventional medicines cannot provide physical fitness and mental poise.
Yoga cannot help in surgical matters but it can provide post-operational therapy. The pain persists even after an operation, and so does the risk of deterioration, weakening and recurrence of injury. Depression sets in with a long recovery period. Pain lingers even when the bone has healed. Yoga acts as a solution to the physical pain and psychological trauma.
Yoga for a broken foot has its limitations. It is better to join up a Yoga class and be trained by a Yoga teacher who will pace you out within the limitations of your injury.
Bikram Yoga, practiced in a hot room, helps in recovering from bone injury and pain associated with broken foot. It also minimizes the risk of such an injury. It also helps in gaining flexibility, balance and coordination.
Iyengar Yoga uses objects like chairs, blocks, blankets, cushions, belts as props. When pressure should not be put on a broken foot, practicing Iyengar Yoga with the props may be of great help. It also increases stamina and vitality.
The other alternative is to practice simple postures at home, either on a chair or on the floor if it is not too difficult to sit on the floor. The important thing is to make yourself comfortable and practice techniques, which will not put strain on your foot. You can practice breathing techniques or pranayam, meditation and a few simplified poses which will loosen up your stiff muscles and make your joints more supple.
The Simple Yoga Poses For Broken Foot
Pavanmuktasana (Wind Relieving Pose), Paschimottanasana (stretching the back and the hips), Gomukhukhasana (The Cow-head Pose), Ushtrasana (The Camel Pose), Bhujangasana (The Cobra Pose), Ardha Salabhasana (The Half Locust Pose), Ardha-chandrasana (Half Moon Pose), Savasana (The Corpse Pose) and many others.
The yoga poses will need to be adjusted according to your ability and the condition of your foot. It is actually restful to have your knees on the chair. Using a table at the back for support, you can practice cat/cow stretching, Child Pose as well as leg raises. Moving the upper body while sitting on the chair also helps in flexibility. Getting on to the floor and doing yoga poses with the legs in the air will help you tone the abdominal muscles and stretch/strengthen your legs. You will, however, have to be careful about coming up off the floor ensuring that you do not put any excessive weight on your foot. You can also do meditation by concentrating on any object in front of you for 10 to 15 minutes, which will give you mental peace and tranquility. You can also practice breathing exercises or pranayam.