Prenatal Vitamins & A Healthy Diet

By Patricia | December 1, 2009

Improving one's diet greatly enhances a couple’s chances of conceiving a child. It is believed that food and fertility are closely linked in both men and women. In order to boost the chances of conceiving a healthy baby, the couple needs to stick to a healthy diet. Consuming good quantities of fruits, green leafy vegetables and whole grains along with calcium rich foods such as dairy products like milk, cheese, yoghurt every day is important for a healthy sperm count in men, and regular ovulation in women. There are certain nutrients that are important and greatly affect the fertility cycle; these include vitamin C and vitamin E, zinc and folic acid. Excessive alcohol intake and smoking have been seen to have significant effects on fertility levels. It is therefore important to abstain from these products. Reducing the intake of caffeinated beverages can also help in boosting fertility, as studies have revealed that high quantities of caffeine can affect fertility, and in order to play it safe, it is best that caffeine is cut out entirely.

The same rule applies for processed meats, and these must be consumed in small amounts prior to pregnancy. However have all kinds of smoked and the raw meats must be strictly avoided entirely during pregnancy. Although you may believe that you get all your nutritional requirements from a balanced diet, medical experts and nutritionists are of the opinion that taking a prenatal vitamin and minerals supplement can ensure that the woman gets her daily requirement of folic acid and other nutrients to enhance the chances of conceiving. The folic acid is believed to be a vital ingredient in reducing the risks of birth defects and is also associated with a lower incidence of heart disorders, paralysis, malignant tumors and diabetes. Women who are of childbearing age must receive approximately 400 micrograms daily of folic acid; experts believe that those who have a family history of birth defects, the daily intake of folic acid must be increased to approximately 4000 micrograms or 4 mg.

Healthy Diet And Folic Acid

There are plenty of prenatal vitamin supplements available that contain more than the minimum recommendation of folic acid that would be needed during pregnancy. In addition, consuming folate rich foods such as spinach leaves, kale, legumes, fresh citrus fruits, nuts, wholegrain breads and cereals can also help in supplementing the body with the required folic acid. Fortunately, folic acid is a water soluble vitamin and hence the dangers of exceeding the limit do not arise as the body gets rid of the excess vitamin if it has been consumed in large quantities. Speak to your physician for the right kind of prenatal vitamin and nutritional supplements to boost your chances of pregnancy.

If you are overweight it is good to shed some weight in order to attempt in getting pregnant. Similarly, gaining a few pounds if you are underweight can help in boosting the chances of conceiving. Medical experts believe that being overweight and even underweight can make it harder for both the man and woman to conceive a child as overweight women experience pregnancy and birth complications while women who are underweight are likely to conceive a low birth weight child.

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