Left Shoulder and Chest Pain Causes

By Patricia | June 30, 2009

I feel sharp pain on left side of my shoulder blade and chest, when I laugh or take heavy breathes it also hurt me, I have also short breathiness. Do you think these are the symptoms of gas or mild heart attack?

For decades now, any occurrence of pain in left shoulder blade and chest can cause a person to panic, because these symptoms are mainly associated with a heart attack. The same reaction also applies to pain in left shoulder blade and arm. However, it is important to remember that several people experience shoulder ache and shoulder blade pain for different causes too. In some situations, a person may pull a muscle or could suffer from a physical injury, both of which are very common factors that lead to should pain. However, in several instances, the pain felt in the shoulder and especially the should blade, arise due to condition that have nothing really to do with the shoulder, which means that the pain is caused by other underlying health conditions such as frozen shoulder, pulmonary embolism, gall bladder diseases or simply sleeping in an incorrect position. However, in case a person is affected by left shoulder blade pain, the most natural reaction is to assume that the pain is related to heart problems, when in truth, most cases of pain in left shoulder and chest usually have little to do with a heart attack. Moreover, the pain is treatable in most people, but in order to adopt the appropriate treatment options, it is very important to know about the left shoulder and chest pain causes.

Nevertheless, allowing the problem of pain in left shoulder blade area when breathing to go unchecked could be a big mistake, even if the pain is not related to the heart. This is because some of the other causes could be just as dangerous as a heart attack and could require immediate medical attention.

Left shoulder blade pain causes

Most people tend to rush to the doctor or even an emergency room, when they suffer from left shoulder and chest pain. While it is a good idea, to have a doctor take a look at the shoulder, not all instances of pain require emergency medical attention. Given below are some of the common left shoulder blade pain causes:

  • Aging: Most elderly people suffer from aches and pains in different parts of their body, including pain in the left shoulder. This is because as a person gets older, his or her joints and bones begin to get weaker. Moreover, the bones become brittle, which is a normal part of the aging process. These problems make people more prone or bone disorders like arthritis and osteoporosis which could lead to pain in different joints within the body, including pain in left shoulder joint. Doctors may be able to treat these conditions based on the severity. Most people are asked to make dietary and lifestyle changes, to improve the condition.
  • Pinched nerve: If the pain in left shoulder blade seems to travel down the arm, then in all probability it is a pinched nerve. While it is best to have a doctor check the shoulder and confirm the diagnosis, this problem is easily treated with over the counter pain relievers and muscle relaxants. At times, doctors may also recommend physical therapy to cure the problem for good and to keep the pain in the left shoulder blade from returning.
  • Flu: A simple flu accompanied by a common cold can lead to causes of body ache. At times, mild and constant cases of pain in the left shoulder could be nothing more than a symptom of the flu. In this instance, the pain usually does not last for very long and disappears on its own. However, some people alleviate pain in left shoulder blade and back by using heat therapy or cold compresses.
  • Incorrect sleeping position: This is one of the most common reasons that people suffer from pain in left shoulder blade and neck. Although the pain is harmless, it can be quite severe. The most effective way to alleviate the left shoulder blade pain and neck ache in such instances is by taking a hot bath at least 2 to 3 times a day.
  • Rotor muscle or cuff: A torn rotator cuff in the shoulder or even a muscle could lead to severe pain in left shoulder and arm. The pain usually gets much worse, when a person engages in physical activity. It is important to consult a doctor for this pain, who may also need to order an x ray for an accurate diagnosis. This condition usually requires surgery and physical therapy, as treatment.
  • Physical injuries and cracked bones: There are several people who incur an injury to the shoulder area, which could lead to a cracked or broken bone. The pain in such instances is usually excruciating, making it difficult for a person to function normally. This problem will generally be characterized by pain in left shoulder blade and ribs. Medical attention is a must in such situations and an x ray is also generally required for confirmation. Doctor normally treat this condition like a fracture.
  • Serious underlying conditions: Most instances of severe pain under left shoulder blade are indicative of an underlying problem with the other organs in the body, Pain felt in the lower part of the shoulder blade could be an indication of conditions that are related to the heart and stomach, which need to be checked by a doctor.

There are some women who may also experience pain in left shoulder blade and breast during the course of their pregnancy. This could be because of pressure that is applied on a particular nerve or organ, because of the growing baby. Doctors should be made aware of the problem of left shoulder blade pain in pregnancy as they may also suggest some simple remedies to relieve the pain.

In case a person experience episodes of left shoulder blade pain after eating, it could be an indication of gastrointestinal problems. Most doctors need to investigate exactly what condition is inducing pain in left shoulder after eating and then suggest the appropriate treatment options therefore, it is absolutely imperative to consult a doctor in case of pain in left shoulder blade after eating.

Adopting the right shoulder blade pain treatment at the right time can save a person a lot of tension and discomfort.

Pain that is associated with a heart attack or a mistaken case of indigestion usually occurs with a closing in feeling in the frontal part of the chest and not in the back. However, this is not an absolute. Considering the symptoms that you have just described, there is possibility that you might be suffering some kind of lung damage. This lung damage could be because of a lung infection, fibroid tissue growing in your lung or a tumor growing in your lung. Any or all of these conditions require that you seek immediate medical attention.

Conditions With Left Shoulder Blade Pain

Some of the infections that could be associated with a shortness of breath are tuberculosis, emphysema, COPD and pneumonia. All of these are serious conditions and apart from emphysema and COPD, can be treated mostly with the use of advanced antibiotics. Emphysema and COPD are typically “smoker” diseases and occur due to years of prolonged smoking, destroying the elastic nature of the lungs. In this condition, the alveoli of the lungs are affected by continuous smoking, and fill-up with carbon deposits as well. However, the pain that you mentioned is not a typical symptom and this disease would make you cough up blood every now and then, along with severe coughing and sputum. If these are not part of your symptoms, you probably do not have these health conditions. Tuberculosis and pneumonia are lung infections that are caused by bacteria. These diseases cause inflamed lungs and that means lungs that are filled with liquid and mucus. Again, you should have some kind of cough and if you cough up blood, you most probably have tuberculosis.

The final possibility lies in cancer or cystic fibrosis, but these also require that you have coughed up blood, suffered weight loss, and a host of other problems, which do not correspond to your problem. There are chances that your condition might not be serious at all and perhaps it is time that you start to increase your lung capacity. Start to increase your lung capacity by jogging or cycling; steadily, increasing the amount of distance that you cover each day. You should also try breathing exercise by inflating your lung to full capacity and exhaling slowly. Do this exercise for an hour every day. You should start feeling the difference in a few days time. Increase your dietary intake of all the vitamins by using supplements that are available in your local drugstore. Remember to consult your doctor as well, to ensure that there are no major problems with your lungs.

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