I am Sudhi working in the software industry.Recently I was diagnosed with BP(100/130).My height is 5.8 feet and weight is 75 KG.What type of yoga should i need to do to reduce BP
Yoga for blood pressure
Blood pressure is a very common problem is several people, which can lead to conditions that are a lot more serious, like strokes and heart problems. People who suffer from hypertension problems usually use yoga for blood pressure exercises, to keep the condition in check. Several experts recommend rhythmic breathing and inverted yoga exercises, to stabilize blood pressure. Forward bends, shoulder stretches and double leg raises are also a part of any routine of yoga for blood pressure management. Some of the most common yoga poses that can help control high blood pressure are Ardha Matsyendrasana (The Half Spinal Twist Pose), Pavanmukhtasana (The Wind Releiving Pose), Sukhasana (The Easy Pose), Bidalasana (The Cat Pose).
Low blood pressure, although uncommon, can be quite a serious condition too. Therefore, people who suffer from low blood pressure options look for treatment options and adopt lifestyle changes, to treat the condition. Exercises in yoga for low blood pressure are believed to be very effective in alleviating the problem. Some of the most common yoga low blood pressure poses include Uttanasana (The Spine Stretching Pose), Sarvangasana (The Shoulder Stand Pose), Adho Mukha Savasana (The Downward Dog Facing Pose), Bhujangasana (The Cobra Pose) and Ustrasana (The Camel Pose).
Bikram Yoga, also known as Hot Yoga in the West has become very popular for the several health benefits that are associated with it. Bikram Yoga blood pressure exercises can help to reduce high blood pressure. However, there are several poses in Bikram Yoga that should be avoided by people who suffer from blood pressure problems. Moreover with Bikram yoga the heart rate can go very high, which could lead to further complications. People with blood pressure problems had best to consult a yoga expert as well as a doctor, before practicing this style of yoga.
Yoga cholesterol poses
Yoga is a great way of controlling the levels of cholesterol in the body. Several people have used yoga cholesterol related problem to reduce the levels naturally, without the use of medication. Yoga for cholesterol control usually begins with Pranayama, which is the yogic breathing technique. Khapalbhati is a breathing technique that is included in Pranayama, which improves the flow of oxygen all over the body. It gets rid of the carbon dioxide that is present in the respiratory system and removes the impurities from the blood. Other effective yoga cholesterol poses include Savasana (The Corpse Pose) and Surya Namaskaar (The Sun Salutation).
Before practicing yoga for blood pressure or for other conditions, it is best to consult a doctor, especially in the case of people who are suffering from medical problems.
Submitted by A on May 31, 2011 at 06:09
Yoga for blood pressureBlood pressure is a very common problem is several people, which can lead to conditions that are a lot more serious, like strokes and heart problems. People who suffer from hypertension problems usually use yoga for blood pressure exercises, to keep the condition in check. Several experts recommend rhythmic breathing and inverted yoga exercises, to stabilize blood pressure. Forward bends, shoulder stretches and double leg raises are also a part of any routine of yoga for blood pressure management. Some of the most common yoga poses that can help control high blood pressure are Ardha Matsyendrasana (The Half Spinal Twist Pose), Pavanmukhtasana (The Wind Releiving Pose), Sukhasana (The Easy Pose), Bidalasana (The Cat Pose).
Low blood pressure, although uncommon, can be quite a serious condition too. Therefore, people who suffer from low blood pressure options look for treatment options and adopt lifestyle changes, to treat the condition. Exercises in yoga for low blood pressure are believed to be very effective in alleviating the problem. Some of the most common yoga low blood pressure poses include Uttanasana (The Spine Stretching Pose), Sarvangasana (The Shoulder Stand Pose), Adho Mukha Savasana (The Downward Dog Facing Pose), Bhujangasana (The Cobra Pose) and Ustrasana (The Camel Pose).
Bikram Yoga, also known as Hot Yoga in the West has become very popular for the several health benefits that are associated with it. Bikram Yoga blood pressure exercises can help to reduce high blood pressure. However, there are several poses in Bikram Yoga that should be avoided by people who suffer from blood pressure problems. Moreover with Bikram yoga the heart rate can go very high, which could lead to further complications. People with blood pressure problems had best to consult a yoga expert as well as a doctor, before practicing this style of yoga.
Yoga cholesterol posesYoga is a great way of controlling the levels of cholesterol in the body. Several people have used yoga cholesterol related problem to reduce the levels naturally, without the use of medication. Yoga for cholesterol control usually begins with Pranayama, which is the yogic breathing technique. Khapalbhati is a breathing technique that is included in Pranayama, which improves the flow of oxygen all over the body. It gets rid of the carbon dioxide that is present in the respiratory system and removes the impurities from the blood. Other effective yoga cholesterol poses include Savasana (The Corpse Pose) and Surya Namaskaar (The Sun Salutation).
Before practicing yoga for blood pressure or for other conditions, it is best to consult a doctor, especially in the case of people who are suffering from medical problems.
Submitted by A on November 10, 2010 at 06:32
Your best program of Yoga would include the following:
Pranayama to be carried out with ease are.
Nadi Shodhana
Cleansing Kriya
Jala neti
Above all learn to relax. Do lots of shavasana, even in the day time and learn to slow down your breath. Learn to breathe in rhythm, i.e. inhale and exhale deliberately slowly and deeply to the count of 5. Take recourse to home remedies and Ayurveda. Avoid non-veg., spicy food and too much salt intake.
Submitted by A on June 21, 2007 at 10:27
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