Sattvic Yoga Diet For Hypothyroidism Patients

(June 16, 2011)

Diet for hypothyrodist

Yoga For Hypothyroidism

The thyroid gland is a gland located in the throat of human beings. This is an important gland of the body that performs tasks that are associated with the process of metabolism. In essence, the thyroid gland’s secretions control the speed of metabolism. Metabolism is the process where an individual’s body burns food for energy. When this happens, the body can perform the various tasks expected of it. When the thyroid gland is functioning slowly, it is known as hypothyroidism. Hypothyroidism causes a slowdown in the process of metabolism. This causes the body to not have enough energy. Individuals suffering from hypothyroidism may experience fatigue, tiredness, loss of consciousness, constant desire to sleep and weight gain. Weight gain is associated with the fact that the individual puts on weight when the food is not properly burned for energy. This food is then stored instead of being used for energy.

Hypothyroidism can be handled medically by providing the individual with thyroid supplements. This is the non-natural way of dealing with this problem. Instead, an individual can try natural methods including yoga for hypothyroidism. Yoga is a complete exercise regime that is designed to work on the entire body of an individual. Yoga also works on the mind of the individual. An important aspect when it comes to yoga for hypothyroidism is the circulation of blood in the individual’s body. Blood circulation helps nutrition move around the body. It also helps hormones to be collected and delivered from and to various parts of the body. Yoga improves the general blood circulation around the body. One can therefore use yoga for hypothyroidism.

An individual using yoga for hypothyroidism can use the sun salutation sequence for this purpose. The sun salutation sequence work several parts of the body and is a good way to begin one’s day. There are other specific poses that an individual can use for hypothyroidism. The lion pose and the sleeping corpse pose are two poses that can help with this problem. Another aspect of hypothyroidism treatment is the use of pranayama for hypothyroidism. Pranayama involves the control of breathing and is an important technique for advanced yoga students. One can sit in the lotus position and do breathing exercises. This improves the general health of the body and can also be useful for clearing the mind and reducing stress. It is recommended to use yoga for hypothyroidism because the benefits of this form of exercise cover all aspects of the individual’s physical health.

Submitted by S C on June 16, 2011 at 01:51

Is there a specific diet for thyroid patients? Before we answer this question, we need to know what hypothyroidism is. Hypothyroidism occurs when the individual’s thyroid glands do not produce sufficient hormones. This condition is common, and quite a few people are usually never diagnosed. This is because the thyroid is mainly responsible for regulating the metabolism, and the main symptoms associated with hypothyroidism are usually put down to the body “slowing down”.  Some common symptoms associated with hypothyroidism include dry hair, hair loss, and dry skin, difficulty losing weight, weight gain, muscle aches, muscle cramps, memory loss, constipation, decreased libido, irritability, and depression. A person could have one or many of these symptoms. This brings us to our initial question. Is there a specific diet for a thyroid patient that can help control the symptoms? The answer is yes.

For those with a “low thyroid,” following a specific diet can help support the functioning of your thyroid. Weight loss for hypothyroid patients can also be possible by following this diet. However, you need to realize that there is no “one” diet that everyone can follow. The diet has to be customized and adapted as per your body’s reaction and specific needs. In case of a low thyroid diet, some people have to completely avoid high glycemic foods, whereas some women find it beneficial including these foods in their diet once in a while. Some of the necessary foods that should be included in the diet for thyroid patients include:

Iodine: This is a very important mineral for support of your thyroid. Sodium is usually got from the iodized salt we add to our food.  Sometimes, you may require additional sodium, and this can be taken in the form of a dietary supplement.
Low glycemic foods:  These foods help control insulin production in the body.
Lean protein: White meat poultry, eggs, and sea foods should be part of the diet.
Fiber: Foods that are high in fiber, such as apples, lentils, broccoli, kidney beans, green leafy vegetables and broccoli, should be included in one’s diet.
Vitamins and minerals: Also make sure you include a multi-vitamin in your diet.

A yoga diet health retreat that focuses on a meal or menu plan can help provide adequate nutrition for patients suffering from hypothyroidism. As a part of this plan, make sure you avoid starchy and fatty foods. If you are following a yoga diet, make sure you only eat healthy foods. For the body’s equilibrium, fruit juices, milk, honey, legumes and honey and nuts are recommended. Avoid very cold, very hot, or very strong tastes that might hamper the body’s equilibrium. Avoid or restrict the intake of stimulants such as coffee, tea, and chocolates. Foods such as overripe foods, vinegar, and meat are not good for your body and mind and should be avoided by those practicing yoga.

Apart from following a yoga diet plan or chart with specific recipes for weight loss and following a menu with foods that help you lose weight in 7 days, yoga and exercise can help you cleanse and detox your system and control your blood pressure as well. Practicing yoga for hyperthyroidism can help a person live a better life. These are some of the yoga poses recommended for hypothyroidism:
• Simhasana (Lion Pose)
• Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation)
• Pavamuktasana (Wind Relieving Pose)
• Paschimottasana (Seated Forward Bend)
• Setubandasana (Bridge Pose)
Let us look at the Simhasana and Setubandasana poses in detail.

In Sanskrit, “simha” means “lion” and asana” means “pose.”  Hence, the Simhasana is called the Lion Pose. In this pose, one assumes a lion’s posture, and it is for this reason that it is named Simhasana yoga or Lion Pose yoga. In this lion’s pose, the entire facial expressions and body is modified to summon the regal force in those practicing it. Here’s how the yoga lion pose is done. Settle in a kneeling position ensuring that your back is upright and your hands are resting on your thighs. Before starting the Simhasana yoga pose make sure you exhale. Then, place both your hands on the floor ensuring that the fingers are wide open. You can place the fingers making them resemble a big bird’s claws. The next step involves inhaling deeply, and then exhaling with your mouth wide open, tongue extending out of your mouth and your eyes focused on a point between your eyebrows. Continue holding this position, while inhaling and exhaling for about 2 to 5 times. Make sure you feel your breath at the back of your throat. Finally, exhale and start from the beginning.

In addition to being beneficial for patients suffering from hypothyroidism, the Simhasana pose has a number of benefits. It plays an important role in keeping the platysma firm as you grow older. Simhasana also helps stretch the arms and face and helps relieve any tension in the face and chest. It is extremely beneficial in relieving a sore throat and other ailments to do with the respiratory system. Regularly practicing the lion yoga pose is beneficial in improving the memory power as well. The lion posture also strengthens the muscles of the abdomen and chest.

The Setubandasana pose is quite simple as well. This is how it is done. Lie down on your back. The next step involves bending the legs at your knees and bringing your heels near your hips. Next hold your ankles using your hands or place your hands near your hips. Inhale and at the same time lift your back and hips slowly making sure your chin connects with your neck. Lastly, close your eyes and make sure your focus on your thyroid area. Stay in this position for a couple of minutes before returning to normal position. Repeat for about 2 to 3 times.

To sum up, yoga is a very good alternative treatment that can be beneficial for thyroid patients. Yoga is not just exercise but involves bringing together the individual’s body, spirit and mind into balance. Yoga combined with a yoga diet plan is a great combination and can be extremely beneficial for thyroid patients.

Submitted by A on June 15, 2011 at 05:32

Hypothyroidism is a disease in which the thyroid gland is under active and does not release a sufficient amount of thyroid hormones. The thyroid gland is responsible for the production of hormones that help to regulate and control your body’s metabolism, which is why any thyroid disease affects the metabolism, playing havoc with various bodily functions. Hypothyroidism is most common among women.

Yoga is one of the most wholesome of all disciplines and does offer a lot of hope for sufferers of thyroid diseases as well. While there is no complete cure for hypothyroidism patients the condition can be controlled and overcome, giving the patient a normal life. A Sattvic yoga diet can definitely help keep the problem in check. For hypothyroidism you will need to keep certain points in mind when formulating your diet. Make sure that you include plenty of whole grains, fruits and vegetables and natural foods in your diet. Avoid all processed foods. Lean protein is not part of a Sattvic diet, which is ideally pure veg, but would be a healthy addition in your diet. A good supply of seafood likewise would be beneficial. Avoid all read meats as they are extremely fatty. Cut down on other fatty foods as well. Consult a nutritionist and your doctor to find out if there are any multivitamin supplements you can take and what the appropriate dosage would be. One of the most important nutrients in a hypothyroid diet is probably selenium. This mineral is extremely important because the antioxidant is responsible and needed for the conversion of the thyroid hormone into its active form. Brazil nuts are an excellent source of selenium and so are some lean meats. In addition to this, try to eat smaller and more spread out meals as eating five or six smaller meals can help balance your slow metabolism.

Exercise is another important aspect of combating hypothyroidism and here again yoga comes in handy. Yoga comprises of a number of asanas or poses and breathing techniques that are believed to have a stimulating effect on the thyroid glands. Here are some of the best asanas or poses that you should consider including in any yoga session aimed at combating hypothyroidism.
  • The Shoulder Stand Position or Sarvangasana
  • The Fish Pose or Matsyasana
  • Waist Tilting or Kati Uttanasana
  • The Lion Pose or Simhasana
  • The Ocean Breath or Ujjayi Pranayama

Submitted by s s on February 5, 2009 at 03:54

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